When you purchase a yacht, ship, or any kind of watercraft in San Diego or throughout Southern California, it’s important to have it inspected by a professional before you take ownership. That’s why you need to choose a San Diego boat survey and inspection company with plenty of experience and expertise. Here at Christian & Co, we offer full boat surveys and inspections for yachts, vessels and watercraft of all shapes and sizes. We know that boats are a big investment – so we take our work seriously.
Our boat inspections and surveys in San Diego and throughout California include a complete report on all of the structural components, mechanical systems, and safety equipment on-board your vessel. And because we understand the importance of giving you peace of mind, our rates on yacht and watercraft surveys are affordable and competitive. To find out more about our professional marine surveys and boat inspection services, or schedule an appointment with us, contact Christian & Co today!
Christian & Co.
1276 Scott Street
San Diego, CA 92106
Toll Free: 800-944-4789
Phone: 619-223-7380