Litigation Support

In maritime law, a marine inspector is an expert witness that is experienced in maritime law and practices who can testify in support of many types of litigation arising from the ownership and operation of vessels and fleets. In San Diego, marine inspectors who can provide this type of expert support are in increased demand, so it’s important to have someone you can trust.

Christian & Co is staffed with experienced marine inspectors who have decades of experience in maritime law and practice. They provide support for lawsuits and litigation in San Diego and throughout the nation involving contract disputes, cargo loss claims, and other issues related to maritime law. The dispute may involve an arbitration or mediation, small claims court or major trial.

We are a San Diego-based maritime litigation and lawsuit support firm that is dedicated to bringing a satisfactory resolution to your case no matter where you are in the US. Our team of marine inspectors offer you the latest technology to establish the facts of your case, and make sure you’re compliant with all U.S. Coast Guard, National Transportation Safety Board, and other international maritime regulations.

Contact the top marine inspectors for maritime lawsuit and litigation support informed by decades of experience and dedication to our clients.

Current Rates

Research and preparation $300.00/hr.
Deposition and Testimony $450.00/hr.
Travel charge at above rates, unless otherwise arranged.
Daily rates are quoted on a per job basis.

Testimony History

2022 Christina Lasorte v. PWV Offshore Watercraft Racing and Promotions, Inc.
Superior Court of the State of California, Los Angeles, Case no. 20LBCV00031
Our file no. 21 – 30423
Attorney – David S. Porter, Law Offices of David S. Porter

2018 Farrell v. Marine Diesel Services, Inc.
Orange County Superior Court
Case no: 30-2018-00965538-CU-CO-, our file no. 18-30375
Attorney Nina Morkos of Cox Wooten

2018 Williams v Harden
U.S. District Court Southern District of New York
Case no 30-2016-852444 CU NP CJC, our file no 18-30352
Attorney Conrad F. Joyner, Jr.

2016 Bear, LLC v Marine Group Boatworks
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California
Case no ’14CV2960 BTM RBB, our file no. 14-12363 and 14-30324
Attorney Russel Brown, Gordon & Rees, LLP

2015 PAE v Conconi,
Orange County
Case no. 2014-00738802
Attorney Godes & Preis, LLP

2015 McAdams v State National Insurance Company,
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California,
Case no. 12-CV-1333 BTM MDD, our file no. 14 – 30292,
Attorneys – Matthew Elstein and George Soares, Gordon & Rees LLP

2014 Sea Planes, Inc. v Caterpillar Inc., et al.
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California,
Case no. CV 12-7039 GHK, our file no. 11 – 27348,
Sedgwick LLP

2013 Hendrix v Hazard,
Maricopa County Superior Court
Case no. CV2012 – 094982, our file no. 13 – 30280,
Carnahan, Perry, Hanlon and Hudson LLC

2012 Ronald Bissel and Mistral 64 LLC v Sunseeker USA, Inc., California
Coast Yachts, Inc. and others, our file no. 10 – 30239
David Klosterboer & Associates, attorney Mr. Christopher L. Rhodes

2011 Goode v Hunter Yachts, Nautical Enterprises and others
Case # SC103453 Los Angeles County, CA State Court, our file no. 11 – 30236
Law & Kolakowski, attorneys — Douglas D. Law

2010 – 2012 Pathe vs Nautical Enterprises et al
Case #37-2010-0096224-CU-BC-CTL
Attorney – Barry Ross

2010 Gluck v Tiara Yachts, Volvo Penta, etc.
Ventura County case no. 56-2009-00362990-CU-BC-VTA
Greenburg Glusker Fields Claman & Machtinger LLP
Attorneys Lee Dresie and Dan Nabel

2007 Barry Fitt v. Markel Insurance
San Diego case no. 05CV1337, Attorney Peter Porter

2006 N & MD Investment Corp. V. Driscoll Mission Bay LLC,
cross defendant Marine Tech, San Diego, CA
Lindahl, Schnabel, Kardasskis & Beck LLC, for Marine Tech

2005 Tabaz v. New Hampshire Insurance & Hayden Insurance
Orange County, CA, Claypool Law Firm, for Hayden Insurance

2005 O’Rourke v. A.I.G., Orange County
Sands Lerner, Attorney, Neal Lerner

2002 (circa) Individual v. Individual & MacDonald Yacht Sales
San Diego, CA

2001 (circa) Fountain speed boat submersion, Yorath Yachts, Orange County

2000 (circa) Individual v. Zurich Insurance
San Diego, CA, on behalf of Zurich Insurance

2000 (circa) Individual v. German shipwright, San Diego

Litigation Support Cases:

2022 Ricky Brown v. United Yacht Sales, LLC.
United States District Court, Middle District of Florida, Orlando Division
Our file no. 22 – 30460
The Jones Law Firm, PA

2020 Sirous Razipour v. Joule Yacht Transport
Our file no. 20 – 30406
Attorney – David W. Smith, Lawrence J. Roberts & Associates, P.A.

2020 Devin Whitaker v. Cantor Enterprises
Our file no. 20 – 30399
Attorney – David Y. Loh, Cozen O’Connor

2018 Calle v. Erwin
Superior Court of California, Orange County, Case no. 30-2018-00965880-CU-PO-CJC
Our file no. 18-30357
Attorney – Hinshaw & Culbertson, LLP

2018 Capital One, National Association v. James E. Post
Superior Court of California, Riverside County, Case no. RIC1311321, our file no. 18 – 30369
Attorney – David McI. Williams

2016 Kjersti Williams v. Spinklock, USA
San Diego Superior Court Case No.: 37-2015-00007791-CU-PL-CTL, our file no. 16-30335
Attorney – Pettit Kohn Ingrassia & Lutz

2017 Equity Investment Holdings v. Clarence U. Finley, JR
U.S. District (Southern), case no. ’17CV0458 W MDD, our file no. 17 – 30359
Attorney – Mitchell Griffin – Cox, Wooten, Lerner, Griffin & Hansen, LLP

2016 Canada Border Service Agency
Canadian International Trade Tribunal, appeal no. AP-2015-029, our file no. 16 – 30337,
Attorney – William St-Roch

2015 Kormylo v. Forever Resorts, et al.,
U.S. District (Southern), case no. 13CV0511 JM WVG, our file no. 15 – 30317,
Attorney – Chelsea D. Yuan, Gibson Robb & Lindh LLP

2014 Yuen & Saga matter,
U.S. District Court for Western District of Washington,
Case no. 2:13-cv-01834-RAJ, our file no. 14 – 30293,
Attorneys – Brian Shiewe and Thomas Heller, Heller Wiegenstein PLLC

2014 John Hanson v Dolphin Sportfishing, LLC,
Our file no. 14 – 30288,
Attorney Scott Cummins, Casey Gerry Schenk Francavilla Blatt & Penfield LLP

2014 Gary Simpson v Danielle Morris,
San Diego County Superior Court case no. 37-2012-00087947-CL-PA-CTL, our file no. 14 – 30287,
Attorney Kimberly H.G. Sakai, Wasson & Associates Inc.

2013 Marriage of Roelle, case number FAMVS-902116,
Our file number 10 – 30550
Thompson Family Law, attorney Sherry Thompson,

2012 Gusto v West Marine/Taylor Made Group, LLC,
Case no. 1373735, our file no. 12 – 30269,
Osman & Associates

2011 Sosa v M/Y Nice Try/Markell,
Our file no. 11 – 30234,
Sands Lerner

2011 Chen v George Saidah, Heart of Sailing,
Case no. 37-2011-00098554-CU-PO-CTL, our file no. 11 – 30253,
Gates, O’Doherty, Gonter & Guy, LLP

2011 Old United Casualty v Grundfos Pump Corp.,
Case number CV-2010 00058, our file number 11-30229,
Attorney Jeffrey L. Smith, Sanders & Parks, PC

2011 – 2012 DeMesa v Ross,
Case no. CV09-2980 GAF PLAx, our file no. 30242,
Attorney Dennis Cammarano, Cammarano Law Group

2011 Marriage of Roelle, case no. FAMUS – 902116,
Our file no. 30250,
Attorney Sherry Thompson, Thompson Family Law

2011 Mistral 64 v California Coast,
Our file no. 30239,
Attorney Christopher Rhodes, David Klosterboer & Associates

2010 – 2012 Meyers vs Marquis Yachts,
Our file #10-30230,
Attorney David Marvel of Prenner Marvel PA

2009 Estate of Vincent Martin vs. T.L. Dallas, LTD. and Great Lakes Reinsurance (U.K.),
Case no. 2:08-cv-00546-DGC (2009),
Gordon & Rees, LLP A ttorney George Soares

2010 Hyatt Corporation, Hyatt Regency Maui Resort & Spa,
Civil No. 07-00485 ACK BMK (Admiralty),
Gibson Robb & Lindh LLP, Attorney Peter Lindh

2009 Dean Taylor v James R. Sechrist,
Ocean Seacrest LLC, Newport Beach, CA
Gibson Robb & Lindh LLP, Attorney Marissa Huber

2008 Freiwirth v EDL Investment Group
Case # BC 375708 California Superior Court,
Los Angeles CA Attorney David Molinari, Bremer Hwyte Brown & O’Meara LLP

2009 William Young v Travelers Insurance, Newport Beach, our file number 11786

2008 Eric Dillerud v Dufour Yachts, San Diego and international, our file 30173

2007 West Coast Power Cats, San Diego, our file numbers 30147 and 30150

1999 Marriage of Brown, San Bernardino Superior Court, Attorney Sherry A. Thompson

Arbitrations, Mediations, and other matters

2012 Campbell v Logue et al, Attorney Frank Brucculeri, Kaye, Rose & Partners, LLP

2009 Klein and Assurant Bankers Insurance Co., arbitrator, our file 30189

2008 Consultations for San Diego Unified Port District, Attorney, Ellen Miles, circa 2008

2007 (circa) Crewman v boat owner, mediation with Attorney Douglas Holthaus
San Diego

Two occasions with Attorney Jim Alcantara, Alcantara & Associates, San Diego, CA

1995 (circa) Boat owner and Cay’s Yacht Sales/Dan Cornwell mediation on behalf of vessel insurance carrier

Small claims court assistance on numerous occasions