Here I sit at the San Diego boat show, trying to come up with an idea for an article, when low and behold I see the September 2018 BoatU.S. Magazine and their top 10 claims article. I decided to use their list and my experience handling claims and add Southern California comments for your entertainment and perhaps enlightenment.
#10 Wake damage, this includes boats at the docks, boats rafting up and passengers thrown around underway. In Southern California many marinas are in no wake zones, but most of San Diego bay has no speed limit. Proper dock lines and extra fenders are important but knowing what to expect and preparing for it is the way to prevent this damage. There are a couple restaurants and attractions directly on the bay and they get big wakes, many have tried to fend properly, many have failed, consider the risk vs. the reward. Warn passengers about wakes and take them at an angle and speed to reduce their effect on your boat and crew.
#9 Boat theft, primarily is a trailer boat issue and while not as prevalent in So. Cal, it’s worth considering where you hide your key, could you find it if you didn’t already know where it was? How long would it take? Try to make your boat harder to steal than your neighbor’s boat, on a trailer or in a slip.
#8 Fire and explosion, like theft ranks high because the amount of each claim is relatively high. We have had some bad years in San Diego with marina fires consuming multiple boats, but lately we have been lucky with only the occasional individual boat fire. Electricity is the ignition source for most of the fires we investigate and there is usually a distinct precursor smell. Explosions are usually preceded by the smell of gasoline or propane, be alert, monitor closely and get out quickly